Lower Price: Buy Low… Sell High
With LD Superior Homes You Pay Less When You Buy And Get More When You Sell… Even Decades Later.
We started with the fundamental idea that it is possible to combine a low price with beautiful design and highest quality. With the low price in mind, our designers began by reviewing the whole production process, including materials used, logistics, and labor and transport costs.

The outcome was a successfully patented, new concept of indoor manufacturing with shipments in regular sized containers. 
Our manufacturing processes are streamlined so that many items are just-in-time delivered and installed eliminating unnecessary costs from warehousing and double handling. Many work steps are completed in an assembly line style, reducing labor costs. The innovative designs maximizing the materials and minimize wasteful cut-offs. We include many components that are significantly above builder standard, but without the retail mark-ups. 
And when you want to sell your property its enduring quality will demand a higher price.